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MANY INQUIRIES from all over the U. S. bave been received by the Board of Directora asking how a person may aid the Mattachine program in arean where so chapter is located. Becoming a Contributor in the answer. Then, at any time after four or more persona over 21 years of age elect to do so, they may apply for a chapter charter after communicating their inteat to the Board of Directors and compliance with a few simple regulations. Persoas forming a chapter aced not have been Contributors previously. Contributoro
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Mattachine Society, Inc.
BERGLER (Continued from page 4)
In his foreword, Bergler states that "in writing this book I am thinking of the mass of young people--unhappy, bewildered, uninformed, sometimes suicidal--caught, or about to be caught in a net: I am thinking of those young people who, because of an appalling unavailability of accurate information, erroneously consider their homosexual difficulties to be their final destiny. I am thinking of the young wives of 'bisexuals' who have just found out about their husbands. I am thinking also of the unhappy parents of young homosexuals, and especially their mothers, who are horrified and shocked by the sudden and unexpected revelation of their sons' and daughters' troubles. Without justification, these poor parents accuse themselves of having failed in their duty or, leveling mutual accusations, search both family trees for faulty inheritance.' All this can be remedied by information combined with treatment, providing the prospective patient really wants to change."
That last clause is the key to this book. It will evoke some considerable comment, no doubt, because so many of the author's statements are at odds with beliefs of a host of others working in the same field, and with what is undoubtedly as much authority to speak with as much experience in counseling as possessed by Dr. Bergler.
Our advice is to get the book and read it. Then watch for a symposium of comment in the April issue of the Review.
State Attorney General Edmund G Brown pledged himself today to protect California's ciitzens from "police state" methods of "il· legal search and seizure.”
The attorney general's pledge. in direct contrast to the views of Los Angeles Chiel of Police William H. Parker was made at a Los Angeles Breakfast Club celebration of the 165th anniversary of the signing of the Bill of Rights.
Brown the State's chief law enforcement officer, told the
breakfast club members.
"My office will do everthing in its power to see that the court's ruling is enforced and citizens are pro tected in their homes against unreasonable search and seizure as decrced by the Bill of Rights.
"We don't want a police slate here with everyone under espionage such as I found in Peron's Argen. tina."
San Francisco Examiner December 12. 1956